Monday, June 17, 2019

What the flock? How to treat Blossom End Rot in tomatoes.

I have some lovely hens that keep me in fresh eggs all year long.  So many eggs, in fact, that I had eggshells coming out my ears.  

Usually I toss them into the compost bin (the shells, not my ears...or the chickens) with the rest of the kitchen scraps, but lately I've been saving and drying them.  

Tomatoes, Peppers and Eggplants

Blossom end rot is a serious problem when growing tomatoes, peppers and eggplants and can decimate entire crops. Often caused by a lack of calcium, this condition results in dark, rotted sores on vegetables. 

A layer of crushed eggshells, placed in the planting hole for these vegetables, is a simple means of combating the disease. As they decompose, the eggshells naturally enrich the soil, providing a slow, steady source of calcium, preventing blossom end rot from occurring.

Powdered eggshells added around the base of plants acts as a slow-release fertilizer. This process will benefit plants all season, and you can add it throughout the growing season. 

Allow eggshells to dry, then grind until they become a fine powder.  If you have a blender, "pulse" the egg shells and you'll get the same end results.  Sprinkle around the base of each plant, or, place a mix of eggshells, Epsom salts, and coffee grounds in the hole before placing your plant.  

Worm Beds

Everything around my little "Instead" has a purpose.  The hens supply me with eggs, the shells from the eggs help create natural protection and fertilization for the garden, the garden feeds myself and my hens.  

Adding crushed eggs shells to a worm bed is a bonus.  Eggshells provide calcium, which reduces acidity in the worm bin and prevents high acid conditions that can harm worms. Crushed eggshells provide grit that aid the worms' digestion.  The worms become fat and healthy, and are fed to my hens.  Thus, the circle is complete.  

(Psssst...worm castings are also a wonderful fertilizer for the garden.  But more on that in another post!)

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